The Lady Dragons faced their toughest test yet in an 8-1 Cape Norte Dame Squad, but the Dragons were flying in on...
Ste. Gen Girls Basketball Travels to Columbia to take on 6A Rockbridge. The Lady Dragons wouldn't go down without fighting, as we...
The Set. Genevieve Lady Dragons come out breathing fire in the Sechrest Christmas Tournament as they torch the Potosi Trojans 67-46. Maci...
The Ste. Genevieve Lady Dragons Varsity Basketball team pick up a big win over Arcadia Valley, getting double digit performances from Aubuchon,...
The Ste. Genenvieve Girls Basketball season kicks off with a big win over the Herculaneum Black Cats as they cruise to a...
Each of the last two seasons, the Ste. Genevieve Dragons girls varsity team has fallen in the district championship game. The main...
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